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Jan 11, 2018

Sprouts, baby plants with untouched, concentrated nutrition, are easily grown and fun to eat! Linda Frees, author of Simply Sprouts, shares her tips about recipes & techniques.

Hello out there. I've been visiting Hippocrates Health Institute for 20 years for periodic health tune-ups. Its been an eye-opening experience to learn so much about health and wellness. I find lessons in how to balance stress in life's tightrope, how to eat more mindfully and the value of life-force foods...sprout.

Being someone of a horticulturist, sprouts fit naturally into my life. I travel a lot, so helpful hints on how to maintain a fresh diet while on the road are appreciated. I met Linda Frees, director of The Hippocrates Health Institute's Ambassador Program after returning for the 7-8 time. Her new book was exactly what I needed to share with friends on how to 'Simply Sprout'. It rocks! I share her videos. Enjoy! 

This episode Part 1

.Baby Plants

.The food desert & travel
